Occupational Therapy


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 Occupational Therapy


“People with painful conditions like arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendon injuries often benefit from occupational therapy.  By providing special equipment like splints and by sharing ideas for doing work and home tasks, occupational therapy professionals can help speed healing and reduce the chance of further injury.

Occupational therapy professionals trained in ergonomics and body mechanics also play an important role in the workplace.  By analyzing work activities and offering injury prevention training, they help keep workers healthy and productive and can reduce employers' disability costs.

Occupational therapy began in America's mental hospitals more than 100 years ago.  Today, mental health care remains an important part of the profession.  Occupational therapy helps people challenged by psychiatric problems to live as independently as they can in their communities.  

Occupational therapy professionals working in the mental health field help clients to set goals and improve routines such as taking medications, preparing meals, dressing appropriately, and bathing regularly.  Occupational therapy also helps people improve interpersonal and social skills, manage time and money, and find and keep paid or volunteer work.”

— The American Occupational Therapy Association

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